Just Wanna Share All about Malar Rash, Pictures, photo, Cause, Symptoms, Treatment and Others

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Malar Rash is One of Symptom of Lupus

Malar Rash - Lupus, a strange name for a disease. The word comes from the Latin word for wolf, to describe one of the most remarkable features of the disease is a rash on the cheeks that made ​​an appearance as a wolf. Even so, only about 30% of lupus sufferers actually have a rash "butterfly" is a classic.

Malar Rash is One of Symptom of Lupus

Types of lupus 

Lupus is not a contagious disease but a form of autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks the body's own tissues and cells. There are four known types of lupus:

  • Discoid lupus (skin). Patients with discoid lupus have a limited version of the skin disease, characterized by a rash that appears on the face, neck, and scalp, but does not affect the internal organs.
  • Systemic lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE). In about 10% of patients discoid lupus, the disease evolves and develops into systemic lupus that affects the internal organs of the body such as joints, lungs, kidneys, blood, and heart. This type of lupus is often characterized by periods of flare (when the disease is active) and periods of remission (when the disease is not active). There is no way to flare predicted how long it will last. After the initial flare, some lupus patients recovered and have never experienced another flare, but in some other patients flares come and go many times over the years.
  • Lupus due to the influence of drugs. This type of lupus is caused by a reaction to certain prescription drugs and causes symptoms very similar to systemic lupus. The most frequent drug reactions cause lupus are hydralazine hypertension drugs and cardiac arrhythmia drug procainamide, tuberculosis drug Isoniazid, Minocycline acne medications and about 400 other drugs. Lupus symptoms subsided after the patient stops taking the drug triggers. 
  • Neonatal lupus. In rare situations, unborn babies and newborns can have skin rashes and other complications in the liver and blood of the mother's antibodies attack. The rash that appears to fade in the first six months of a child's life.

Initial symptoms 

Lupus disease has many manifestations and different profile in each patient. Initial symptoms may be felt among others: 
  • Fever 
  • Malaise, or general discomfort 
  • Painful joints 
  • Muscle aches 
  • Extreme fatigue

Causes and risk factors 

Lupus is still a mysterious disease in the medical community. Except induced lupus drug reactions, the exact cause of this disease is unknown. The debate is still going on even if lupus is a disease or a combination of several disease-related. 

Approximately 90% of lupus patients are women, which indicates that the disease may be related to female hormones. Menstruation, menopause and childbirth can trigger the onset of lupus. Approximately 80% of lupus patients develop the disease between the ages of 15 to 45 years.


Manifestations of lupus can mimic other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis (rheumatism), making it difficult to diagnose. Currently there is no single test that can confirm whether a person has lupus. The diagnosis can be established through a comprehensive examination that considers all symptoms and medical history. 

Malar Rash is One of Symptom of Lupus

American College of Rheumatology set "Eleven Criteria of Lupus" to help physicians diagnose lupus. Four or more of the following criteria must be present to make the diagnosis of systemic lupus:

  1. Malar rash: butterfly-shaped rash on the cheeks and nose 
  2. Skin rash: red spots that stand out 
  3. Photosensitivity: skin rash as a result of a reaction to sunlight unusual 
  4. Mouth or nose ulcers: usually painless 
  5. Non-erosive arthritis in two or more joints, so it feels swollen or tender. 
  6. Pulmonary and cardiac disorders: inflammation of the lining around the heart (pericarditis) and / or the lungs (pleurisy) 
  7. Neurological disorders: seizures and / or psychosis 
  8. Kidney Disorders: Excessive protein or blood in the urine (proteinuria / hematuria) 
  9. Hematologic disorders (blood): hemolytic anemia, white blood cell count or low platelet 
  10. Immunological disorder: antibodies to double-stranded DNA, antibodies to Sm, or antibodies to cardiolipin 
  11. Antinuclear antibody (ANA): positive test results despite not taking medications known to cause it. Approximately 95% of lupus patients have a positive ANA test.


Lupus treatment aims to reduce inflammation and suppress the immune system is too active. The drugs most commonly used for lupus are NSAIDs (anti-inflammatory non-steroidal), antimalarial drugs and steroids. These drugs can be administered alone or in combination. In severe cases, immunosuppressive drugs such as cytoxan, azathioprine and methotrexate may be used.

Malar Rash is One of Symptom of Lupus Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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